Note: On the "alien hand" story, a knowledgable correspondent notes that it's not yet clear if the hand is from a cetacean.

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The headline on the "Pheasant" is misleading. The bird is a member of the pigeon family, not a pheasant.

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Going in circles: one day our dog was suddenly unable to walk in a straight line. When she tried, she would just go around and around in a tight circle, counterclockwise iirc. I immediately suspected a stroke, and took her to the vet with great fear in my heart. The vet was unconcerned. "It's a common problem," she said, "caused by an inner ear infection. It will clear up in a day or so." And sure enough, it did. The circles got larger and larger and then we were back to normal. One lesson to take away: we're always going around in circles, it's just that the radius is often very large.

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