Another nice recap of the strange. That video explanation of the volcanic eruption and aftermath is excellent.

And the crow news hits home, as my town is experiencing a large number of them this year as well. We've had "surges" in crow populations in the past, but it's been pretty quiet for the last ten years or so. This year, I've heard way too many "crow cannons" going off. I'm not a fan of this method of dealing with the crows (personally, I love crows and have never had anything of mine damaged by them). Hadn't heard about using green lasers to disperse them. Of course, that will invariably become a problem too, as people find ways to misuse them (even more than they already have).

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I'm not so sure that the 5G aircraft alert is NOT of actual concern...other than probably being overblown by many folks. I've been following the issue among aviation publications and my own aerospace group of pilots, product support and marketing guys. The recent FAA Airworthiness Directive [Federal Register Volume 87, Number 12 (Wednesday, January 19, 2022)] states that this AD was prompted by a determination that radio altimeters cannot be relied upon to perform their intended function if they experience interference from wireless broadband operations in the 3.7-3.98 GHz frequency band (5G C-Band), and a recent determination that, during landings, as a result of this interference, certain airplane systems may not properly transition from AIR to GROUND mode when landing on certain runways, resulting in degraded deceleration performance and longer landing distance than normal...etc etc.

From what my aerospace folks tell me it's really only applicable to CAT III or CAT II autolanding situations at major airports where heavy fog and visibility conditions prevail.

So it may very well turn out to be similar to the misguided "turn off your phones" rules that airlines (still) ask for.

I can send the full 12-pg PDF if you like but it's a heavy slog to read.

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