
Edited: Added the link to the otter story I missed the first time.

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Wow! Truly a high (low?) watermark in weirdness this week. Climate change is real and happening now (and maybe at a rate faster than predicted), but there are so many people who will continue to deny it while they simultaneously drown and burn up. Sigh!

I actually loved that AI-generated Bigfoot photo. It’s really cool. But the fact that people fell for it as real somehow still amazes me. I love a good monster as much as the next person. In fact, I’m going to BlobFest this weekend to get my fill of creatures. But come on folks. Use some sense. It screamed “fake” from the get go.

Vampire facials is a new one for me. But again...what the actual hell is wrong with these people?!!!

Great job again, Sharon. Superb collection!

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Is it climate change, or is it "GOD" messing with his ant farm.

Good stuff this week, kiddo.

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