Hypnotoads, flaming balls of possible destruction, assault by runaway car, whale stomachs or glowing skies. Choose your weapon in this week's rundown of strange news.
I don’t know what I should be more impressed with: the excellent material you’ve gathered this week, or you using both ebullient AND bricolages in your stories. 😁
I mean I’m happy when I get to throw in something like paucity or raconteur at parties.
Really interesting stuff this week. Seriously, how unlucky can one woman be? You have to think that car was just out to get her. She probably gave it a crappy name and it just bided its time until just the right moment presented itself.
Downloaded Mastodon about two months ago but never bothered learning how it works or creating a profile. Would love to join you there as soon as I figure out how it works.
I don’t know what I should be more impressed with: the excellent material you’ve gathered this week, or you using both ebullient AND bricolages in your stories. 😁
I mean I’m happy when I get to throw in something like paucity or raconteur at parties.
Really interesting stuff this week. Seriously, how unlucky can one woman be? You have to think that car was just out to get her. She probably gave it a crappy name and it just bided its time until just the right moment presented itself.
Also, I just deleted my Twitter account. It had become awful and I have no faith in the world’s wealthiest toddler to get it right.
Downloaded Mastodon about two months ago but never bothered learning how it works or creating a profile. Would love to join you there as soon as I figure out how it works.