Interesting topic for debate: are Angels cryptids ? (A bit tongue in cheek perhaps, but I'm feeling in a feisty mood today in light of recent events.) They could be considered creatures of dubious existence. Some people claim to have seen Angels, and many others firmly believe/disbelieve in them and are unlikely to be swayed by scientific evidence, one way or the other. (Is there any?) Dante proposed a detailed taxonomy, including Archangels, Thrones, Dominations, Cherubim and Seraphim. Some of them even have names (Michael, Gabriel, Clarence, ...)

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It's a hard NO on angels from the old school cryptozoologists types. But I would say they could be Pop Cryptids - beings/creatures of dubious existence that people claim to encounter. That includes angels, demons, ghosts, as well as mermaids, goblins, fairies, etc. The sci-cryptozoologists will totally exclude anything that is primarily a supernatural being, which is a fair filter to use. But most cryptids have some magical characteristics attached to them. The sci-cryptozoologists will reject beings with too many fantastical characteristics. So, I can understand excluding angels, because they are a terribly subject to study, but note that the pop cryptid tent can be very large. In some places in society at a time, angels and fairies were accepted as real. The lines are totally arbitrary.

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