Happy Friday the 13th!
It was a slow week for weird news, overall. I gathered some more interesting stories and insights you may have missed. Hope you enjoy. Please subscribe if you haven’t already or share the web link access with others. It doesn’t matter to me how you read it, I just love that you do.
Mountain lions returning to the East
A NY Times guest essay by a wildlife researcher outlines areas east of the Mississippi that he thinks are conducive to hosting mountain lion populations. We know that occasional individuals roam into areas in the midwest and northeast where the native populations have previously been extirpated. It’s very possible that they could recolonize these areas. How will that go over with residents and wildlife agencies? Hard to say. The research is suggesting predators will help with the deer problem and make for more balanced ecosystems. He even suggests helping them re-establish. But they are also a potential threat to livestock, pets, and hikers which makes people nervous. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/12/opinion/cougars-migrating-east.html

Tumbling Tumbleweeds
The town of Wolfforth Texas has been invaded by giant tumbleweeds. High winds have made the problem worse than usual. The city cleans up the tumbleweeds which block roads and other access. They urge people NOT to set them on fire because they are very flammable. Obviously. https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Tumbleweed-invasion-hits-West-Texas-town-homes-17701561.php
The Golden Gate song
Nasty weather in California caused the Golden Gate Bridge to start whining again. The loud high pitched hum or whine emits from the bridge from the wind. Several videos have captured the sound. Retrofitting is planned in the coming months. The sound is a reminder that strange noises are often explainable but sometimes hard to pinpoint and fix. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/golden-gate-bridge-singing-again-17708298.php

A delicate operation
Surgeons in Ukraine removed an unexploded grenade from the torso of a soldier. Doctors had to avoid using any tool with an electrical current to avoid triggering the device. It appears the device was fired but didn’t detonate on impact. The explosive was safely disposed. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64247159
Mystery transmitters found in Utah
The most notable news story this week has been the removal of transmitting devices that have been found in remote hilltop areas in Utah. The devices have solar panels, battery packs and an antenna. They have been placed without permission on public land by unknown persons. The best guess is that they are relay devices for cryptocurrency networks. The devices form “the people’s network” than can be used for many purposes. https://www.helium.com/mine Installation of a “hotspot” can earn people Helium Token - the native cryptocurrency of the Helium blockchain. Of course, the devices may NOT be that and could be something we haven’t figured out yet. Regardless, users aren’t allowed to set up such devices without notification on public land. https://ksltv.com/516749/why-are-antennas-popping-up-all-over-the-foothills-salt-lake-city-seeks-to-solve-mystery/ and https://www.vice.com/en/article/epzwya/mysterious-antennas-are-appearing-in-utahs-hills-and-officials-are-stumped
To be young again
A newly published study on aging has just come out and may be epi-c. Researchers liken our cells to corrupted software, unable to read its original DNA. Epigenes are the proteins that tell the genes what to do and how to do it. The head researcher suggests that the cellular pieces become a mess with lots of junk as we age. The new studies in mice suggest we can “reboot” the system and correct the problem - of aging relating problems. While this story may make several “health” headlines with dramatic promises, we shouldn’t get too excited. The experiments were limited, and done on mice (and yeast). Tests with primates are happening now with human tests rather far in the future. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/12/health/reversing-aging-scn-wellness/index.html
The future is now
Can you just imagine what kind of pranks you can play with this?

It’s a conspiracy!
“Conspiracy” is a go-to pointless “explanation” for all manner of mysterious events. It’s no explanation at all. People certainly like to think that mysterious antenna devices are some sort of secret conspiracy “they” don’t want you to know about. This week, I found a follow-up story to two events previously mentioned in the WWN. First, people are getting their jollies out of speculating wildly about mystery booms that have been happening in Idaho. As I noted in my round-up on 2022 mystery booms, the answers to these sounds are often not mysterious. But it is typically hard to identify the source because sound waves travel and reflect. And there may be no physical evidence left behind to track. https://kezj.com/ixp/96/p/idaho-mystery-boom-explanation/
Instead of searching for answers to possible causes of mysterious events, many people will seek information that reinforces the mystery. They use non-credible sources or simply don’t ask knowledgeable people. Last month, the video of the circling sheep was a temporary rage. A media channel in France asked animal behavior experts if the accounts of circling animals (ants, fish, deer, and sheep) were unusual or what could explain them. It turns out there are reasonable and normal explanations for these situations. https://observers.france24.com/en/tv-shows/truth-or-fake/20230106-debunked-animals-circles-videos-conspiracy-theories
Don’t be a sheep! Eschew the conspiracy talk and look for a better answer.
Thanks for reading.
Strange indeed! Thanks I needed that :)