Are you all still here?
Uhh, hello subscribers to a newsletter I don’t send out anymore! I’ve moved most of you over to my own website because I’m not posting here anymore.
This is just a reminder that I have LOTS of new material at You should sign up there! Your email is safe and it’s easy to unsubscribe if it doesn’t float your boat.
Flat earthers go to Antarctica
What happened when a pastor from Colorado, Will Duffy, takes flat earthers to Antarctica in what is called “The FInal Experiment”?
Idaho Mystery Boom Chasers
Wild ideas are circulating via social media regarding mystery booms reported in Idaho. Thanks to platforms like TikTok, doubtful ideas about skyquakes are raging online.
I just put up a new Pop Goes the Cryptid page that collects all most of my work so far on the shift from cryptids as potential zoological animals we might actually find to cryptids as any weird sentient thing that makes for a cool story. More is coming on this in 2025 as I’m planning a weekly newsletter. Hope you’ll sign up there.
Pop Goes the Cryptid: The new cryptozoology aesthetic – An overview of the morphing cryptid scene: the Internet changed everything.
Hodag: Wisconsin’s Homegrown and Beloved Monster – From folklore to fakelore to a beloved mascot, explore the lore of this fearsome creature of the Northwoods.
Also, I’m active on Mastodon and BlueSky. Please follow one or both for daily news links and tons of weird things I find and share. (I tend to put more on Mastodon.)